Monday, October 25, 2010

More to Life Than Fighting for Food, Shelter and Sex

I’ve said before sometimes you just get lucky.  I also believe that the harder I work, the luckier I get.  This pic was taken at a wildlife animal farm in Sequim, Washington.  (For those of that are not from the Pacific Northwest, Sequim is pronounced “skwim”.)  This is on my website ( in the gallery under Wildlife.

Things are crazier in the animal world.  You basically have to get up and fight for food, then find some food.  Then fight to be kept from becoming someone else’s food.  Then fight for a mate.  Then find a mate.  Then, fight for more food.

I don’t know what these prairie dogs were fighting over but I’m sure it was one of those things.  I love the hands in the air right before an attack while the other is on defense as if he is pushing his opponent.  The third is coming in to get in the action.

This picture was taken just at the right time.  To get this shot, I had to be patient and persistent.  I waited and waited and watched for a long time as they were running all over the place.  I also took a lot of pictures until I knew I got one right.  Then, surprise! Prairie dog action!

I really don’t take many photographs of animals.  I have some and you can see them on my website but most of my photography has been either landscapes or people.   No particular reason but that just seems to be the way it works out for me.  I’ve got a photo shoot later this week with some new themes in mind.  Stay tuned for that.  Meanwhile, I’m glad that I have more going on in my life than fighting for food, shelter and sex.

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