Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make Today A Great Day For A Vet

Today’s blog goes out to all of the Veteran’s out there.  The flag in this photograph was randomly hanging on the side of a building as I was driving through San Jose, CA this past summer.  I thought it was cool that someone had hung it out there to show their patriotism.  It wasn’t a holiday and flags were not flying at half-staff.  My guess is that someone just wanted to be patriotic.  This pic is on my web site at in the gallery under inspiring places and then San Fran.

I’ll be at an event at my son’s middle school this afternoon where they are honoring veterans in an assembly.  I felt a little awkward when initially invited because, while I am a veteran, I did not serve in combat.  I did serve during the first Gulf War, but I never left Germany.  My job, as a firefighter, wasn’t so tough compared to the folks serving their country now.

We hear a lot about patriotism from a lot of people.  I think any vet will tell you, you don’t have to serve in the armed forces to be patriotic.  It seems, however, that I hear a lot of people – politicians, political pundits and regular people – talking about being patriotic but not wanting to sacrifice anything for their country.  There are countless ways to show patriotism.  You can volunteer in your community, run for local public office or simply work on someone’s campaign, and even paying your taxes, to name a few.  I would also submit that simply wearing a flag pin on your lapel does not make you patriotic.  Where’s the effort in that?

But, with today being Veteran’s Day, let’s salute those that are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.  They need us.  They have sacrificed more than any of us will our entire lives.  We have that luxury because of them and we owe them much more than we can truly give.  So, make today a great day for a Vet.

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