Friday, September 17, 2010

Pursuing Talents Requires Passion

So, this is my 3rd blog on the J. Lorraine Ghost Town in Manor, Texas.  For those of you tired of hearing about it, I promise to move on to other inspiring places next week.  But, I’m finishing up the portraits of the models and I hadn’t posted one of Kelley and I’d be dropping the ball if I didn’t feature her in at least one of my blogs.

I never used to know much about modeling.  Still don’t, really.  When I first started shooting models, I was surprised at how hard it is for them.  Now that I’ve shot several, I can tell you, there is a true talent there and not all of them have it.  Kelley was great and I look forward to shooting her again.  I could post 6 photographs of her in the same pose with 6 different facial expressions, 6 different hand placements, an arched back, or not and I would get 6 different pictures.  Some models really just have 1 look and that is all your going to get. 

Most models I have met are paying their way through college.  What a cool job.  I’m sure we all can think of many jobs that are much worse.   I admire people that choose careers like modeling, acting, music or the arts.  It’s a tough gig, but what a great way to get the most out life by pursuing your talents.  I guess it doesn’t really matter what you do in life, as long as you’re passionate about it….and it’s legal…and it doesn’t hurt anybody.  Okay, maybe there are a couple things that you probably shouldn’t be passionate about, but you get the point.  Here’s to everyone in  a high school marching band, community theatre, the starving artist, the semi-pro athlete, etc.  This blog’s for you.

All pictures from the J. Lorraine Ghost Town will be posted on my website by late tonight.  Check back at tomorrow morning to see them. 

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